A recent government report (1) HIGHLIGHTS (HIGH) the (1) ............ (EXTEND) to which credit card debt is spiralling. Blame is (2) ............ (PORTION) solely to the credit card companies, who, the report claims, will go to any (3) ............ (LONG) to attract new customers. (4) ............ (ADD), according to the report, they are responsible for encouraging existing customers to borrow more by raising their monthly limit. Certainly a recent advertising campaign by a major credit card company — which has since been (5) ............ (DRAW) - seems to bear these findings out. However, while the responsibility of the credit card companies is not (6) ............ (CONSIDER), it is, in my opinion, unfair to lay all the blame on their shoulders. The (7) ............ (MAJOR) of credit card users are able to make their (8) ............ (PAY) on time without difficulty. There will always be a minority of people in our society who are financially irresponsible. If they run up huge debts, is it really the credit card company's fault?